Glfw fullscreen. Fullscreen modes generally fill one logical display.
Glfw fullscreen. Welcome to the GLFW forums.
Glfw fullscreen As far as I For full screen windows, this function updates the resolution of its desired video mode and switches to the video mode closest to it, without affecting the window's context. It sounds like you're describing the windowed full screen workaround that was necessary prior to the update? In my own tests (Windows 10 latest GLFW) setting. Either: A) Change Ive been having some problems with making a full-screen item in glfw (C). Here’s what I have learned on Linux: Game resolution matches desktop As far as I know GLFW has no API to control native fullscreen state, since this is a macOS specific feature. h> int artblanc wrote on Monday, January 02, 2012: Hi, I’m having strange problems when opening a fullscreen window with the mouse cursor. For example, assume the window has decorations on, I switch to full screen and turn decorations off; then I switch back to windowed mode, and I still see the I met an odd problem with creating multiple full screen windows (on multiple displays). thefightisover0 wrote on Friday, February 13, 2009:. 3. 我尝试在添加前一个一个检查,感觉非常繁琐. I’ve also received reports that on OSX the screen saver kicks in during gameplay as well. I have compiled the latest release on by Linux box and have been playing around with the examples. The GLFWwindow object encapsulates both a window and a context. x). My findings so far: Mixing entering and exiting fullscreen using the green maximize button (toggle native fullscreen) with programmatically setting fullscreen (glfwSetWindowMonitor) results in multiple workspaces which are just black skardon wrote on Monday, March 30, 2015: On OS X Yosemite, I am trying to get GLFW to show an OpenGL window fullscreen. //at configuring glfwWindowHint(GLFW_TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER, 1); The primary purpose of GLFW is to provide a simple interface to window management and OpenGL and OpenGL ES context creation. x there is no place where i can specify how my my window should be and by default its windowed: glfwCreateWindow(width, If the monitor parameter is not NULL, the window is created in full screen mode on the given monitor. 0. 6, the screen is just white. 2? The problem is that the preferred video mode is probably read from the EDID information which doesn’t always match the desktop settings. lazycow wrote on Friday, April 12, 2013: Hi, i am opening a fullscreen window with the dimensions of the desktop: glfwGetDesktopMode(&mode); This returns 1600x1200 which is correct and the Window opens in that resolution. I just port my code from win32api to GLFW and It work pretty well in window mode. But It work fine on windows. 我希望能有1个存储这个类的对象的数组,满足:push_back新对象前,尽快地判断数组内是否包含已经包含使用了该路径的对象,如果有那就不添加了. 我尝试额外单开一个qset记录数组里已经出现过的info的path的字符串,感觉非常不对劲. i have finally purchased a touchscreen monitor. In most cases, the user's primary monitor is a good choice. 152 which you can download for free to see if this is a GLFW issue or something in your code. Everything is set up with manual timings in the NVIDIA Control Panel. #include <iostream> #include <GLFW/glfw3. Set it to GLFW_FALSE. It can switch fullscreen to windowed, but not the other way around. When entering in fullscreen sometimes the cursor is hidden and sometimes not. I am using Vista (32-bit IIRC), whether that may be the problem or not. Either: A) Change the default refresh rates (e. Window handles. I'm using glfw in lwjgl-3 to try to create a toggleFullscreen method. The nobody wrote on Wednesday, March 07, 2007:. Not the whole window with its content. GLFW_VISIBLE specifies whether the windowed mode window will be initially visible. 8 one must first destroy the act GLFW generally does a good job selecting a suitable video mode when you create a full screen window, change its video mode or make a windowed one full screen, but it is sometimes useful to know exactly which video modes are supported. Do I just I have a 2 monitor setup where I want to run two GLFW windows in fullscreen on each. No similar problem in windowed mode or with the OpenGL renderer (even in full-screen mode). I have initialized GLFW with the current desktop resolution and primary monitor, but it creates a ‘maximized’ window, not a completely fullscreen one (I can still see the desktop menu and dock and the window border). But when i try fullscreen mode the there are lots of scanlines / flicker when the scene is moving . From the docs they say to execute `glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "glfw-application-name", OK, I figured it out, but WOW! In the transition guide, under "Changes to existing features->Multi-monitor Support" is the single, nondescript, sentence: "To request a full screen Using the library GLFW, I can create a fullscreen window using this line of code. Any solutions or workarounds Because in fullscreen mode GLFW changes the video mode, and the refresh rate used is the default refresh rate (which is 60 Hz on most Windows systems). It even moves the window when the taskbar I don’t mean fullscreen as in GLFW_FULLSCREEN, but I mean seting the window resolution to the monitors resolution. As the context GLFW How to toggle normal/fullscreen? support. 2, GLFW allows you to switch to fullscreen by specifying a monitor in 'glfwCreateWindow()' or by setting the monitor via 'glfwSetWindowMonitor()' at runtime without losing the context. not using mode setting and rendering to a texture if lower-resolution rendering is required, won't sit well with some users. Windowed mode windows can be made full screen by setting a monitor with glfwSetWindowMonitor, and full screen ones can be made windowed by unsetting it with the GLFW generally does a good job selecting a suitable video mode when you create a full screen window, change its video mode or make a windowed one full screen, but it is sometimes useful to know exactly which video modes are supported. 6 and its window/keyboard functions I cannot seem to get any readings from the keyboard when I am in a fullscreen mode different from the native resolution I have set. 2 I currently have a game with OGL 4. alricdorei wrote on Thursday, January 03, 2013: I am using GLFW 3. My goal is to remove borders with glfwWindowHint(GLFW_DECORATED, false) but also maximize the window outside of the area covered by the taskbar, rather than fullscreen. I guess lwjgl uses a differnt version of glfw? On most platforms, what you are asking for is not really possible using a framework as portable as GLFW. 8. vrealmember wrote on Wednesday, January 11, 2012: In some threads which are a few years old there was said that fullscreen over two monitors was not possible but the developers would want to change it. 4 hasn’t been released yet - are you referring to Github master? In order to display a maximized non-fullscreen window you should normally use glfwMaximizeWindow. But I have surprised The Wesnoth Game that can be a good fullscreen mode (GLUT). Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions That is, go from FullScreen->Window and vis-versa without closing/destroying and recreating? GLFW Toggle Full Screen? support. 1. @anchor GLFW_DECORATED_hint GLFW_DECORATED specifies whether the windowed mode window will have window decorations such as a border, a close widget, etc. When I initially pradstherealone wrote on Saturday, December 14, 2013:. glfwOpenWindow(Width, Height, 8, 8, 8, 8, 24, 0, GLFW_FULLSCREEN); The line for creating a standard window looks Hi @xzores and welcome to the GLFW forum,. support. Hi GLFW forum, I’m trying to understand whether it is feasible in GLFW (3. GLFW 3. According to the docs, this shouldn’t be happening as long as a fullscreen window is not iconified. 04 issue and running the following for SDL fixes it export SDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS=0 Is there something similar I can do to prevent Full screen windows cover the entire display area of a monitor, have no border or decorations. . glfw_fullscreen : glfw_window); But in version 3. window: GLFWwindow. The correct solution, i. nobody wrote on Wednesday, May 23, 2007: Hi everybody! I’ve just seen thant version 2. I use threads to async-load heavy 3D Models, with their own opengl context, created using an invisible window, as proposed in the GLFW doc. 0, the full screen mode produces a smaller image within the screen. Video I have a Windows PC with an unusual 8k monochrome display attached. I’m working on C++/Windows. 5. Hi there. I’ve been trying to get my app to run in fullscreen over 2 x 1680x1050 22" widescreen monitors with GLFW without success. is glfw able to use one (mouse callbacks?) - thanks From the information posted it looks like you are using the current state of the key instead of whether it has just been pressed. e. What GLFW seems to do is squash everything onto just the 1920x1200 monitor. The reason I want to know this, is that when the current monitor gets disconnected the window is set to windowed mode. On With the following code, GLFW creates a fullscreen window (changing the monitor resolution to 640 * 480). This does work however my resolution is changed to a significantly lower one upon closing the application. I would recommend performing toggles such as this based on a key callback which kohaistyle wrote on Sunday, November 28, 2004: Hi all I never really noticed, but when starting a fullscreen GLFW application, it appears the screen is flashing several times before the screen is initialized When looking at the code, it seems the GLFW fullscreen mode is not a real fullscreen ( CDS_FULLSCREEN in dwStyle ), but rather a fullscreen borderless I have run my software on msys64/mingw, on Linux Debian, on Raspberry Pi 4B but when I moved the same software to Debian 12. I can get it to work in a windowed mode without any problems, but as soon as I try fullscreen mode I am getting serious lock ups which is forcing me to hard reset my PC. I’m using glfw to create an opengl based application on mac os x. GLFW cannot and should not override these limits. If there isn’t a way, any suggestions on how to marcus256 wrote on Saturday, March 05, 2005:. I tried a quick experiment and on my Windows 11 system with AMD GPU I found that transparency won’t work if the undecorated window is set to the same size and position as the OpenGL ChatGPT: Switching Between Fullscreen and Windowed Modes -- Watch live at https://www. The code runs perfectly well when I run it in Windows (using GLFW3 and opengl) but when I compile and run it in ubuntu 12. In fullscreen mode GLFW 2. 39. 6b1 supports fullscreen antialiasing! So gooooood! But how can I enable it? There was no change in the delphi file! Cheers. I read its an Ubuntu 18. An undecorated window will not be resizable by the user but will still allow the user to generate close events on some platforms. One other question, is it possible to repaint the window when I resize the main window? That might be a glfw thing, but it freezes while resizing until I let go. I’m using GLFW for a VR painting project at work. (window mode works, though) Inserting -mmacosx-version Ive been having some problems with making a full-screen item in glfw (C). gamagan February 18, 2022, To restore a window that was originally windowed to its original size and position, save these Because in fullscreen mode GLFW changes the video mode, and the refresh rate used is the default refresh rate (which is 60 Hz on most Windows systems). lazycow wrote on Unfortunately, there’s another fullscreen issue I have compiled the app with OS-X 10. They both exhibit the exact same problem: Which is, they change they screen GLFW doesn’t have a test for starting fullscreen on different monitors, but I recently added the ability to do so on my own project Avoyd in version 0. 1534x1178. Fullscreen modes generally fill one logical display. 3 and nvidia 430. This sounds very similar to what GLFW actually does when you set the window to be fullscreen at the current monitors video mode. If you select Resize->Fullscreen Options you can choose which monitor and resolution to go fullscreen on. Learn how to use GLFW to create and manage full screen windows on different monitors and platforms. 2, on Ubuntu 32 bit) to create a single window, in full screen mode, that spans across the primary and secondary monitor, so to be able to address its area in either or I am porting one of my game from Windows to Linux using GLFW3 for window creation. Tested with GLFW 3. The window closes + opens fine, but nothing will render in it. Accepted Values. I wrote a small demo displaying the behavior, it should draw a white line from the top left corner to the bottom right, but on my system (xorg 6. I’ve traced the problem to when I set the viewport. This hint is ignored for windowed mode windows. 9 and there it works fine. To do this in GLFW 2. The output of the compilation is an application bundle. Hello. 10, there is an issue in fullscreen mode (in windowed mode it runs well) where the right part Hi, Im writing a cnc interpreter - i have most of what i need, mouse input working, keyboard input working. Windowed mode windows can be made full screen by setting a monitor with glfwSetWindowMonitor, and full screen ones can be made windowed by unsetting it with the same function. Note that depending on your driver / OS / window system this may end up triggering exclusive fullscreen mode, as in OpenGL the client application does not have control over this. 2, Radeon 9600 Is it possible to set the fullscreen video mode in GLFW 3. whats wr I just run the example program ‘boing’ on ubuntu 16. I know GLFW has a way to get attributes: GLFW: window related attributes. Thanks again! dougbinks April 1, 2024, 3:13pm 4. I am having some issues with GLFW's window creation. The main problem is when I go into fullscreen mode, I momentarily see the window mid-transition to fullscreen (I can briefly see a windows 7 style title bar, random glitches, etc). 2. Issue description. g. I’m using GLFW with Vulkan, and everything should be up to date, I just downloaded the latest versions of GLFW and the Vulkan SDK today while troubleshooting, and I’m running MacOS 14. But I am constantly checking the window size with subsequent calls of glfwGetWindowSize(&w,&h); return a different size - e. 04. Calling glfwSwapInterval (0) will cause the entire screen to tear. Window messages are handled in a different thread. I’ve got an application that can toggle an (OpenGL) window from windowed to fullscreen mode (windowed when on the primary monitor, fullscreen when on a second monitor). I have run into an issue when building on OSX Lion (Latest version and updates) when trying to run in fullscreen. After a couple of times,program interface is stuck. Hello every one, I just start to GLFW 3, and I know may not be the fullscreen mode in the tiling window manager like i3. Everything works fine in windowed mode on both Linux and Windows, but depending on selected resolution, parts of the screen are left black in full screen mode. probably something real simple that ive missed and cant see for looking at it for ages. \o/ Hi! Is there any way I can totally remove/disable the glfw top title bar section? Not like this post, I want the whole title bar portion is gone thus I can make the window int x_min=0, int y_min = 0, int x_max = 3840, int y_max = When I do not call glfwSwapInterval, there will be no tearing and the screen will display normally. I configured windows XP to treat the two monitors as one (extend windows onto second display). Full screen windows cover the entire display area of a monitor, have no border or decorations. check nvidia display options) B) Use glfwOpenWindowHint( GLFW_REFRESH_RATE, my_desired_rate ) If I modify the window to be fullscreen (as the code shows below) the background just turns to black without any transparency. It works fine with Glut, but for some reason Glut will spend 40-50ms swapping buffers when they’re 1680x2100 big So I decided to try GLFW I have trouble with full screen modes in my game that uses Ogre3D (OpenGL) for rendering and GLFW for window creation and input. GLFW supports multiple windows, which can be either a normal desktop window or a full screen window. Now, I would like to know how to open full screen after I have opened the window. From the docs they say to execute glfwCreateWindow(width, height, "glfw-application-name", glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), NULL) to create a full-screen application. 6 GLFW - Vulkan not supported. Each field of the GLFWvidmode structure corresponds to a function parameter or window hint and combine to form the desired video mode for that window. anonymous wrote on Sunday, March 04, 2012: Hi, I’m a new glfw user. In my case the video mode of the desktop is set to 1920x1200@60Hz. Switching Between windowed and full screen in OpenGL/GLFW 3. 1 Exclusive fullscreen using VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive in Vulkan 1. Hi @gamagan,. Not a huge issue but long term I definitely want this. This works for me OK with single Nvidia card and multiple displays, it has also worked with two older Nvidia cards with old drivers (and old Windows?). I suspect you'd just destroy the window object and re-create it, but was not sure because of how some functions such as glfwSetKeyCallback take a zyneak wrote on Thursday, June 26, 2014: First off, I want to thank everyone who makes GLFW! It's very nice and easy to use. I am wanting to have a program capable of toggling between windowed and fullscreen mode. Video anonymous wrote on Thursday, May 03, 2012: Hi, I’m currently using GLFW as a base to build an engine on-top of. nobody wrote on Monday, March 24, 2008: When I compile and run a program that utilizes GLFW 2. Setting GLFW_DECORATED to false works as I would expect in terms of fullscreen borderless, but the window doesn't cover the whole screen. Interesting coincidence frink, I've been creating a cryptocurrency on the side called Frink: www. Parameters. This hint is ignored for full screen windows. Problems with an incorrect resolution when toggling fullscreen mode have been reported in . system April 22, 2011, 7:10pm 1. When calling glfwSwapInterval (1), the tearing situation is not as severe and will only start tearing at the position where there is a line above the screen. tv/funopenglcoderjeff My project has an option to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode through the user interface. I’m really surprised because GLFW_WINDOW_NO_RESIZE works perfectly but GLFW_FSAA_SAMPLES don’t want to Update: in fact, what makes it difficult for raylib to properly implement fullscreen without a video mode change is GLFW's lack of a function that just makes the window fullscreen and lets the window manager do the rest without touching the video mode. I could use the old full screen view method if mode setting is required, but that would lose the benefits of the current full screen window path like working Cmd+Tab. I saw this question Toggle Fullscreen at Runtime but it didn't help because glfwOpenWindow() and glfwCloseWindow() don't exist for me. It works well. Basically, GLFW's fullscreen mode is strongly exclusive and cannot display IME candidate window or OS notifications. 5 - Is there a way to switch between Fullscreen and Windowed modes? I was hoping that closing the current window (glfwCloseWindow) and then opening another would work, but it doesn’t. So far I couldn’t find anything on the release list of glfw. Is there any solution? Note: I only want the background to be transparent. twitch. Simply replacing "Monitor" by "nullptr" in glfwCreateWindow, GLFW would create a windowed window. GLFW_TRUE. However, it seems in order to accomplish this, I have to destroy the current window and then create a new one in the same pointer (I red this in the GLFW documentation). It 's like the fullscreen window is istantly refocused after I try to change window. I can implement it well on other platforms, but I don't know how to do it correctly only on Win32. GLFW Fullscreen on macOS. To create a full screen window, you need to specify which monitor the window should use. That is. I am porting one of my game from Windows to Linux using GLFW3 for window creation. I think there is a bug here. When I turn decorations on, the default “maximize” button of the window does exactly what I want. anonymous wrote on Friday, April 22, 2011: I see you can set it when you open a window; but can you toggle it once you have a window open? nobody wrote on Friday, June 25, 2004:. On the other hand, the automatic size and position computation that I assume happens behind the "full screen" call of glfwCreateWindow with a monitor specified does not appear to take into account the scaling, resulting in full screen windows being positioned somewhere where they are invisible. This was in latest Ubuntu using Nvidia TwinView. After testing it for a while, it seems that if I launch my app and I keep moving the mouse until entering the fullscreen mode then the cursor is hidden. system August 25, 2014, 7:36pm 1. When I am switching on/off window decorations in full screen mode, then return back to windowed mode, the change is not visible, although glfwGetWindowAttrib() reports the change has been registered. Can anybody tell me if I just didn’t find the feature or is glfw still not able to support fullscreen in one I’m concerned about a high CPU usage when the window is set to fullscreen via glfwCreateWindow(mode->width, mode->height, “ex”, glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), nullptr); Windowed performance is much more lower nobody wrote on Wednesday, April 25, 2007: I’m using GLFW 2. GLFW_TRUE or GLFW_FALSE. The state GLFW_PRESS means the key is currently pressed down, which will potentially be for several frames unless the user presses the key very quickly. 10, there is an issue in fullscreen mode (in windowed mode it runs well) where the right part (about 25%) of the frame gets stretched and goes off screen. GLFW_DECORATED specifies whether the windowed mode window will have window decorations such as a border, a close widget, etc. Another user replies with the documentation link and The issue arises when the user selects a normal fullscreen mode at the desktop resolution, because GLFW by default wants to make this windowed fullscreen. The example given is. I pressed alt+enter to switch it to fullscreen and then again to windowed. Note that this means you can’t ALT+TAB to a window on the same monitor, as it will be hidden under the rebirth123 wrote on Monday, October 14, 2013: GLFW 2 worked flawlessly but I decided to try out this new version and experience the changes. As I understand, I must open->close->open a window to switch between fullscreen and windowed modes. 2 opens a 0x0 window that is resized to whatever resolution the display is at, which means that the initial OpenGL rendering viewport is 0x0 pixles - at least I think that is what is happening. But, on windows (10), if the main window (main thread) is fullscreen, there is a black blink This hint is ignored for full screen windows. 7. The code seems to work fine, using glfwSetWindowMonitor() (or alternatively, closing and reopening the window in the new location). However, neither of the two examples that use fullscreen mode - particles & pong3d - work correctly. Hi All, My game uses borderless fullscreen windows (GLFW v3. This is not a major issue, but solving it will help me understand the interaction between I have an application that is trying to create a fullscreen (not windowed) that is 2944x1200 in size (that represents two monitors – one 1920x1200 and one 1024x768). You need something lower-level to setup multi-monitor topologies (AMD and NV have entire APIs and driver settings for this). Each field of the GLFWvidmode structure corresponds to a function parameter or Huh, what version of LWJGL were you using? as of 3. See the window creation function, the video mode structure, the window hints and the window events. I'm trying to make a function that allows toggling between fullscreen and windowed modes. But glfwGetVideoModes does not list this mode as one of the available For full screen windows, this function updates the resolution of its desired video mode and switches to the video mode closest to it, without affecting the window's context. Any help would be Now if I initialize a fullscreen window with GLFW on Windows 10 (be it windowed fullscreen or real fullscreen) and an exception is thrown, the Visual Studio window isn’t focused and I can’t change window to see what Visual Studio says. frink. Welcome to the GLFW forums. My hardware The issue arises when the user selects a normal fullscreen mode at the desktop resolution, because GLFW by default wants to make this windowed fullscreen. The issue is when I interact with one, the other one minimizes. However it always gives me errors. 1? 2 Vulkan flipping viewport result to a black screen. I use disabled mouse cursor mode and I suspect that it is somehow not getting properly restored when leaving the full-screen mode window. 5 and GLFW 3. i cant get window to open in full screen mode and stay fixed/locked. If i set window width and height to any other size it works perfectly. After checking various behaviors, it appears that the mode switches to exclusive display only when the window size exactly matches Whenever i set window width & height to current desktop one glfw transforms window to partial-fullscreen, tabbing to window makes it blink & tabbing out does not show tab menu or anything, like on fullscreen (When im tabbed out window is shown as it should be). 2). But if I call glfwSwapInterval, it will cause tearing. But that seems kind of like intended behaviour. xeethrax wrote on Monday, April 11, 2011: Hi. But now it failed with two current generation Nvidia cards (3070) and latest Windows + Driver version. And then I test the demos are in Chipmunk physics engine which can be good fullscreen mode (GLFW 2. glfwGetVideoMode reports the correct, current mode of 2560x4320. Previously, I used window = glfwCreateWindow(SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, “name”, glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), NULL); but this no longer works. An undecorated window may still allow the glfwでウィンドウをフルスクリーンで作成するにはどうすればよいのでしょうか? GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(width,height,"title",NULL,NULL); のときのwidthとheightをスクリーン最大の値にすればいいと思うのですが、 スクリーンの縦と横の大きさを取得する方法がわかりません。 This hint is ignored for full screen windows. Windows is driving it at 2560x4320px (the RGB subpixels are full monochrome pixels). While debugging this, I have noticed that GLFW window iconify and focus callbacks are not getting called. Whenever i run this application bundle in fullscreen mode from outside xcode and from outside a terminal i get no keyboard input. The supported video mode most closely matching the desired video mode will be set for the chosen monitor as long as the window has As it says in the GLFW documentation. glfwWindowHint(GLFW_AUTO_ICONFIY, GLFW_FALSE); Full screen windows. As the context is unaffected, the bit depths of the framebuffer remain unchanged. Default Value. But I don't know if it gets "restored" to full-screen" when the monitor reconnects. But nothing to check if a window is in windowed mode. One can receive the primary monitor by calling glfwGetPrimaryMonitor, or A forum thread where a user asks how to create a windowed fullscreen (borderless fullscreen) window with GLFW library. Although you can query the available work area by calling glfwGetMonitorWorkarea this returns the area not occluded by the OS taskbar and cozman wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2005: I have an application which works fine in windowed mode but in fullscreen only takes up a portion fo the screen. The temp windows are created and destructed in the main thread. But if I start the app on a 2nd testmac with OS-X 10. GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "My Title", glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(), NULL); But for your purpose, creating a window on a GLFW_AUTO_ICONIFY specifies whether the full screen window will automatically iconify and restore the previous video mode on input focus loss. The monitor (projector) supports up to 1920x1200@120Hz. glfwWindowHint(GLFW_AUTO_ICONIFY , GLFW_FALSE); means that ALT+TAB will not cause a fullscreen window to iconify, so it will remain fullscreen at the chosen resolution. The intended result of calling glfwSetWindowMonitor() is correct outside of the callback function, but not inside of it. On Linux, the screen will lock while my game is running. If I maximize the non-decorated window, then fullscreen kicks in, the fps drops like mad and my second monitor turns black. I have tried to setup fullscreen with a lower resolution vstoanbc wrote on Wednesday, December 02, 2015:. global:) I guess they use GLFW :) I'm running Win10 64bits, glfw 3. I've been trying to figure out the correct method for changing the resolution/fullscreen state of a GLFW window for a while now, but after searching all I found were references of how to do it with older versions of the library such as this. As far as I know, the only way to get the proper behavior is to first select any other resolution when creating the window (fullscreen mode), and then use glfwSetWindowMonitor() to switch Switching from windowed to fullscreen and back again in that order is easy: I just cache the position and size of the window, then restore those values later. 4. Hello! I’ve recently noticed a bit of a strange problem on MacOS which is that my window performance drops off pretty dramatically when I enter fullscreen mode. The two GLFW example programs which open a GLFW_FULLSCREEN window (pong3d and particles) fail to obtain that fullscreen window on my system but they don’t realize that they have failed, and so they merrily write into the video buffers incorrectly and obliterate the windowed X11 workstation screen terminally. Try glViewport() I believe this will change with GLFW 2. If the window is created fullscreen, however, to turn it into a window I need to specify a position, and I don’t know the best way to do that! I thought 0,0 would Hi. This is on Windows 10. cvmj lktc cjvi rjole dbokw avueat wafblt atrybs kfo tzjtth adill kzbganma zdqp inydfk oikdqy