Khari overseer armor. Yeah I made a 2nd post for the medium armor.
Khari overseer armor. Have found 2 or 3 bars in the well at Baywatch camp.
- Khari overseer armor Durability. Both the Buccaneer Peg Leg (Left Fitting) and the Buccaneer Peg Leg (Right Fitting) are alternates for the boots of Trying to make an armor set. 3. 9: 1582: November 13, 2020 Improve Voideforged Dragonhide total stats to 15, like it's Silent Legion counterpart. Changes to Khari Raider Armor? General Discussion. I'll update the list (if editing main posts is a thing) as I see comments come and will try to categorize as best I can Some things I've found: Azura: Survival > Health + Concussion Hyena armor: Accuracy > Health Khari Overseer: Grit + Strength > Accuracy + Concussion As masters of the slave trade, the strength and backbone of the Khari empire was the vast body of thralls captured from across the known world. I have looked all over but can't find any recipes for the other armours and the weapons. When far enough away or cloaked in admin mode, players can observe her constantly laughing. The role of maintaining a steady supply to the Khari slave markets fell to the Raider crews, a villainous corps of black-souled reavers with a reputation for unmatched cruelty. Rusted = Black Knight Armour. ) Custom armors for the server I'm playing on: Khari Overseer and Khari Raider Armors should have the same armor values as Voidforged Dragonhide/Silent Legion Light Armors - Feedback News It’s a shame that they are considered endgame gear but other armor that is easier In this video I will show you how to get the Pristine Khari weapons in Conan Exiles 2020https://www. 9 Khari Soldier +6 Vitality +6 Grit; If being dressed as a slave-trade enforcer of the Khari is a deplorable Khari Overseer and Khari Raider Armors should have the same armor values as Voidforged Dragonhide/Silent Legion Light Armors. Details. Explore properties. Consumable. This will give you 900+ armor with good stats If your Armor. Some players kept asking me for some pvp tips or even for making guide, I was really sceptic about this, but since Conan Exiles went free for this week and some new players might actually come, so i decided to make it. These clothes are, in turn, produced by that civilization. conanexiles. never had problem or had to stack aloe. Khari ARMOR and Setite Cultist helm not giving Atributes correctly and misc. On my second go thru after killing him he sunk into the floor and vanished so was unable to loot him. ID: Black_Corsair_Boss1. All the values are from in-game testing and may require further refinement. ID: Black_Corsairs_Fighter_Boss_Maga. In this Conan Exiles video, we take a look at how to beat the final Smoke Demon boss in the new Wine Cellar Dungeon. Contents. 2 Harvestable Loot; Khari Overseer Tasset; Categories Categories: NPCs; Black Corsairs; Characters; Mini Bosses; Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. It provides significant stamina and strength. This piece of equipment is part of the following armor set: 14 base armor, Carrying Capacity +45, DLC Debaucheries of Derketo Pack (4), (4) Armor Repairing Noble's Chestpiece requires up to: 15 Silk 3 Twine The Noble's Chestpiece can be dismantled It’s a part of the Khari Overseer set, not sure how you can obtain it tho. Khari Soldier Mail: Stamina +7, Health +28. Khari overseer works. Same goes for head, chest and waist gear. | Gamer There is no more imposing sight in battle than a phalanx of guardians in full plate armor bearing sword and shield or ranked behind an impenetrable wall of pikes. As much as I love using the Khari Overseer armor, this one provides +10 to Grit and Strength on the highest level crafted (there was no flawless version to compare it to), the base armor gave +6 to each. 782. Weight. com/c/conan-exilesWiki: https://conanexiles. #1. A detailed overview of Khari Overseer Mantle - Torso - Armors in Conan Exiles featuring descriptions, locations, stats, lore & notable information. Pages in category "Consumables" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 806 total. 3. You have to mix & match some gauntlets or footwear beak it, others don’t. The Khari Overseer which is learned from the Khari Overseer Scroll, the Khari Raider learned from the Khari Warrior Scroll and the Khari Soldier learned from the Khari Soldeir Scroll. if/when i try the convergence trap stuff, i'll see if i can find this post to say something Bare chested armor variants, and more. 2 Harvestable Loot; Khari Overseer Tasset; Categories Categories: NPCs; Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Comment As masters of the slave trade, the strength and backbone of the Khari empire was the vast body of thralls captured from across the known world. Just Armor, No Shirt: JANS Exile Light Chestpiece, Medium Harness, Heavy Pauldron JANS Khari Overseer Mantle, Raider Chest, Soldier Mail JANS Black Corsair Pauldron (All JANS armor variants are crafted from the base item, at an armor station. | Gam Stygian Raider epic armor can result in recipes from one of three sets at the delving bench, so don’t give up hope if you learn Khari Soldier or Kari Overseer recipes instead. While we don't condone such digital methods, one can't deny the protective appeal of the Khari Overseer armor. 4150. Yes, I know. Join One Of My Servers:PVP Raid Serve The Khari overseer armor is an item set feat unlocked from a scroll dropped by Thag in the Wine Cellar dungeon. This is very likely a bug and subject to change. On my first time I got the recipe for the light armour of the final boss but that is all. Armor Type Armor Grade Legendary. and it was boarded up, but when he hit E on it, he looted it, and gained 4 khari steel. com/c/conan Pages in category "Bonus Strength Weapon Damage" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 313 total. The dungeon has themes involving stealth and searching for Khari Steel (used to craft the reward items), while fending off hordes of undead. It is unlocked by finding a Scroll (Khari Overseer Armor) dropped from the final boss of the Wine Cellar dungeon. 1 Notable Loot; 1. It's a part of the wine cellar dungeon on exiled lands. Progressing through the ruins of a Khari city, players eventually face the demon Thag. Pages in category "Bonus Stamina" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 348 total. Legendary armor in the game grants bonuses to physical attributes, but non-legendary items can be better for practical purposes. Silent Legion Medium Gauntlets: Strength Weapon Damage +8%. The insanely high temperature protection is unnecessry as high end gear made by a tier-3 armorer can protect you from the harshest cold/heat. No Upvotes . Of course, after equipping you have to kill yourself to get the jiggle going. after equipping clothes or armor you then have to take the bracelet off and kill yourself. Though this is primarily determined by where the player is on the map, a few enemy attacks, pieces of equipment, and consumables are capable of temporarily affecting the player's temperature, either positively or negatively. This piece of equipment is part of the following armor set: 400 base armor, Strength Weapon Damage +15%, DLC Debaucheries of Derketo Pack (5), (5) Armor Guardian Chestguard (Epic) Repairing Guardian Chestguard A skimpy armor mod for both male and female models that replaces some of the original armor with one showing a bit more skin without going over the top. Sloegin2001 September 25, 2022, 4:16pm 4. Relic Hunter = Dune Hunters. War Court Armor provided +15 Strength. Khari Overseer. This Armor appears to have been nerfed which I don’t agree with considering it’s Armor with the Legendary Tag that other Armor we Craft does not have. 0 update revamped how armor works in the game. #2 < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . Personally I wish they would make vault armors full sets instead of two pieces. Update: Feb 8, 2023 @ 8:36am Version 1. question. Went back to my base and in the wine-cellar chest I had another Khari warrior scroll Which was made no sense, as it was added with the patch. Have found Khari warhammer just east of fractured citadel in a broken tower with one of those skinless blood fiends or whatever. Mar 3, 2023 @ 1:26am Try putting epic Stygian cultural armors in a delving bench. Chest: Khari Overseer Gloves: Khari Overseer Legs: Pictish Wizard Boots: Pictish Wizard Weapons: Red Mother Bow / Set's Tongue Medium Mixed S:27 A:10 V:25 A:36 G:10 E:20 S:0 Game mode: [Online - official PvE] Problem: [Bug] Region: [EU] On my first clear of the wine cellar, I got the “Khari warrior scroll” and was quite happy. Are thrall perks random? While perks are assigned randomly on level-up (10, 15 and 20), the possibility exists that your follower can gain attributes in categories that are suited for specific uses, such as Accuracy for thralls you Khari overseer. Khari Overseer: Khari Soilder Mail: New UI added . Location: Savanna biome Wine Cellar is entered via a door on the back side of the tavern in Sepermeru's Waterside. In the Exiled Lands, this knowledge is learned from Scroll (Khari Soldier Armor) - one of four scrolls that drop from Thag in the Wine Cellar dungeon (TeleportPlayer 241864 -347345 -9401). You would think they could figure it out by now. This allows players to craft the armor set. Note, Let's take a look at new Khari armors and weapons from the Wine Cellar Dungeon in Conan Exiles. Dungeons on the Isle of Siptah are called Elder Vaults. Per page: 15 30 50. The more details you provide us with the easier it This is likely getting fixed in a future hotfix. 7500. I will show you how and where to get these hidden armors i A detailed overview of Khari Raider Helm - Head - Armors in Conan Exiles featuring descriptions, locations, stats, lore & notable information. Some of them dropped the The last option for you to have a stamina boost is by choosing these light armors: Khari Overseer Helm, Khari Overseer Mantle, Khari Overseer Bracer, Voidforged Dragonhinde Kilt, and the Silent Legion Light Boots. Discuss this update in the discussions section. 01. ID: Black_Corsair_Boss2. Champion's Gauntlets = Black Knight Armour. There is also a similar range of Stygian armors. com/https://forums. Bonus attributes on Isle of Siptah legendary crafted armor do not scale as regular armors and armors from the Exiled Lands, like the Khari Overseer Armor does. The best part: all inhabitants in the exile lands join in this sense of freedom. Temperature is the influence of hot and cold weather on the player. 2: 638 The Consumables in Conan Exiles. Legendary. I’d like some better values for my raider gloves since they’re really cool looking. so far, this is the only khari steel i've seen since 2. Light. Khari Overseer Khari OverseerĮven if the Khari is a dreadful society for slavers, those who follow in the footsteps of the Khari in Conan Exiles may need to drop their hypocrisy and accept what they’ve become as a result of doing so. Despite the fact that Captain Narelle has an appropriate title and a corresponding spawn ID, due to her armor and surrounding NPCs, she can be considered part of the Stygian Raiders Faction. 4. Stygian Raider = Khari Overseer Armour. Players can find various pieces of armor from An ancient armor piece worn by the most competent and feared The Pride of Aesir is a set of armor in Conan Exiles that is These armor pieces are crafted at the Frost Temple Smithy. Maybe add a heavy armor set or change the weight and stats of existing Khari armor. Maybe give them some unique effect such as applying sunder or https://www. Reading this will unlock knowledge of Khari weaponry. Game News; Guides. Khari Overseer Mantle and Tasset Khari Soldier Mail and Tasset Leather Apron Lemurian Royal sarong, Top Added more variations for the battle queen armor. See more The following knowledge is acquired when using this item: Khari Overseer (Knowledge) Obtained as one of the four scrolls that drops from the final boss Thag in the Wine Cellar dungeon. com/Conan_Exiles_WikiConan Exiles is an open-world su Sua primeira tarefa será se equipar. Sightings of the snake-headed prows of the Khari Raider crews often Progressing through the ruins of a Khari city, players eventually face the demon Thag. Level: Extreamly Hard Feats Learned: Khari Overseer Armor Khari Soldier Khari Raider Khari Weaponry Unique Drops: Khari weapons. ) Boss respawn takes 1hour as opposed to every other thing taking 15 mins Overseer - Light, Raider - Light, Soldier - Medium Reply reply [deleted] Steel such as this was once used to fashion the weapons wielded by, and the armor worn by, the Khari. Due to how different the shape of this body is versus Conan's original body, all armor will have to be converted over to fit it. No Comments. Conan Exiles Khari Overseer Tasset 92203 Armor: Armor 20 Light Armor A leather skirt that protects the upper thighs of the Overseers; Khari Raider Bracers 92207 Armor: Armor 8 Light Armor Bracers worn by Khari Raiders. The increased hunger and thirst rates can be countered by the Survivalist perk . 1. Strength Weapon Damage +3%, Stamina +5; Armor Class. I ran a level 4 west which had Relic Hunter and Treasure Seeker NPCs. It’s a shame that they are considered endgame gear but other armor that is easier I like Silent Legion medium on hands chest and legs, Dragonbone medium on feet and Helm of the Brute up top (if you can get it). Conan Exiles: PvP Guide for new players and also for PVE players. Passando desse ponto, deve criar Oficinas para aprimorar e fabricar armaduras mais resistentes e preparadas para cada tipo de região e clima que você encontrará. TeleportPlayer 241847 -347363 -9401 Thag is summoned by lighting the ring of campfires located in his arena. If the “bug” is that the Raider armor scroll is called Warrior than that is more of a typo than a bug. Eye Patch is an alternate head piece for this set and provides the exact same stats as Black Hand Earrings. Certain armors won’t break the bounce although most will. Damage Reduction from Armor ~60%. Khari Overseer is one of the Knowledges in Conan Exiles. Captain Narelle has a 3-skull-boss marker Key Takeaways The right armor in Conan Exiles is crucial for survival and protection from injuries during gathering missions. | Khari Armor - Question . Some of the armor pieces are read out of the devkit/data tables, but cannot be processed when used ingame. Here is the list of Conan exiles best armors, in no Khari Overseer. Join The Firespark81 Conan Exiles Server. 704. The armor is "meh" tier. Reply reply In case somebody is still wondering khari overseer armor can be learned from a scroll I assume scrolls that you get with fragments of power or whatever Reply reply This is an updated guide showing how to get the hidden armors in Conan Exiles for 2021 update 2. GrayRainbow September 25, 2022, 2:30pm 3. Passion Body Options *Only works for female players and thralls* Khari Overseer Tasset 92203 Armor: Armor 20 Light Armor A leather skirt that protects the upper thighs of the Overseers; Khari Raider Bracers 92207 Armor: Armor 8 Light Armor Bracers worn by Khari Raiders. 960. A barrier I like Silent Legion medium on hands chest and legs, Dragonbone medium on feet and Helm of the Brute up top (if you can get it). Wine Cellar is entered via a door on the back side of the tavern in Sepermeru's Waterside. (previous page) () There is Khari Raider, Overseer, and Soldier armor. Now they provide +6 Strength (with the aquivalent of flawless) or +10 strength in the latter case. Khari Raider Chest 92206 Armor: Armor 28 Light Armor A chestguard made in the style of the Khari; Khari Raider Helm My Last set (Khari Overseer) went from +8Str +8Grit with T3 Armorer to +4Str +8Grit. General Sorry if i do ask a question that already been asked - but i have chained a few runs to wine cellar and somehow i think something is wrong: 1. He can be found in the very last room at the end of the dungeon. Purge thralls do not seem to have any additional benefit whatsoever, beyond their That is a LOT of armor based on the Stygians, and that is not even including the fact that you can also include the Khari Soldier armor set, theKhari Raider armor set and the Khari Overseer armor set as the Khari are the people who fled the Lemurians they had enslaved and had revolted and eventually fled across (what is now Asia and into North A detailed overview of Khari Raider Tasset - Legs - Armors in Conan Exiles featuring descriptions, locations, stats, lore & notable information. Kill XP. This knee-length leather skirt is I'm also curious if there's full concussion armor. Você começa o jogo sem nada e precisa criar roupas simples. 80 base armor, Stamina +25, Strength Weapon Damage +9% (6), (6) Reading this will unlock knowledge of Khari Soldier Armors. BigBombz Mar 3, 2023 @ 1:10am you can of course admin spawn those armor pieces for you. funcom. Crafting the best Khari Raider armor available will require a T4 named armorer thrall. On thralls I'm doing heavy Dragonbone with Champions leggings and Obsidian mace. Chilled Godbreaker Grips = Black Knight armour. com in the new biomes, my friends and I were exploring, and one of my friends went to a well to refil his canteen. How do i get the khari armor, isle of siptah help!! D: < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . Bower of JhebbalSag (Knowledge) Flesh of Remembrance Lemurian Royal Armor (Knowledge) Lemurian Warrior Armor (Knowledge) Lemurian Sword (Knowledge) Lemurian Pike (Knowledge) Mask of the Witch Queen Key to Adding in Khari warrior recipe that replaced the old Khari Raider recipe whilst also adding in Khari Overseer as a second light set to the item list seems a bit illogical. Introduction. Scroll (Khari Overseer Armor) drops from the final boss of the Wine Cellar. Players can find various pieces of armor from sp Unlocking certain attributes perks, wearing specific armor pieces, and drinking a few elixirs or potions will increase your stamina points, and the occasional consumption of this Herbal Tea or other drinks or foods that benefit your stamina regeneration is the key to helping you survive for longer and escaping from dangerous situations at times 2022-03-15 Then I would go with demon of the aspect helm, light silent legion chest and legs, boots of the serpent and gloves of jhil. Most armors and Armor. In the Exiled Lands, this knowledge is learned from Scroll (Khari Raider Armor) - one of four scrolls that drop from Thag in the Wine Cellar dungeon (TeleportPlayer 241864 -347345 -9401). Have found 2 or 3 bars in the well at Baywatch camp. **Game mode: pvp: (Online official # 1652 pc )] **Type of issue: Bug **Server type: PvP **Region: USA [Describe the bug here] Khari gear only gives the the first attribute buff and not the second on listed in the weapon or armor description Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Kambunjan Shaman Boots: Strength Weapon Damage +5%. Khari steel arrows would be easy to implement. playing on official, was just curious how people Hrph has finished his last round of Wine Cellar and Warmaker dungeon runs and crafts up the Khari Raider armor set and the Champion's armor set! He takes hi Finally Conan Exiles is in my hands and I am extremely hyped about it! Follow me in this cruel world and let's unfold its secrets together! Enjoy ^_^Facebook Dungeons are the lairs of boss monsters and are usually filled with a variety of creatures. 1 Description; 2 Location; 3 Loot. | Gam Armor. ID: Black_Corsairs_Fighter_Boss_Mikali. some armors and clothes don’t and sometimes you have to mix them up as khari overseer bracelets with hyborean slaver loincloth and overseer sandals and actually the whole overseer set works. Khari Raider Chest 92206 Armor: Armor 28 Light Armor A chestguard made in the style of the Khari; Khari Raider Helm Highlights The right armor in Conan Exiles is crucial for survival and protection from injuries during gathering missions. Stygian Soldier (Epic) = Khari Raider Armour. Here is the best Armor in Conan Exiles: Age of Sorcery: Khari Overseer Helm: Strength Weapon Damage +5%, Stamina +7. Notable NPCs Overview. Hopefully Hopefully the addition of overseer was meant Every civilization depends upon the quality of the individuals it produces. DONT CLICK THIS: https://bit. The following knowledge is acquired when using this item: Khari Bow (Knowledge) Khari Daggers (Knowledge) Khari Great-Sword (Knowledge) Khari Hammer (Knowledge) Khari Pike (Knowledge) Khari War-Axe (Knowledge) The item can be looted from the following NPCs : Armor. The following knowledge is acquired when using this item: Khari Soldier (Knowledge) The item can be looted from the following NPCs : (Khari Soldier Armor) Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Scroll (Khari Soldier Armor) A note scrawled on flimsy paper. Scroll (Khari Overseer Armor) Scroll (Khari Raider Armor) Scroll (Khari Soldier Armor) Scroll (Khari Weaponry) Scythe of Thag; Szeth’s Truncheon; Warmaker’s Sanctuary – LvL 60 Screenshot by Emily Medlock. 7 Khari Overseer set converted to fit the Passion Body New armor set added: "Battle Queen" created tint maps ARMOR- Dragonhide chest, helm of the bat,vermin hide pants, khari overseer hands and feet. Reply reply not sure what i do better but i do it with some medium epic armor (conan's royal set + aquilionian helmet) and an medium non epic armored berserker (with sword of crom). Subscribe Now to Remove Ads. Any armor piece will give you recipe for the full armor set, so craft the cheapest. It can be used to make several different types of armor, including a set for yourself and for slaves. Anyone have any other specific locations? Our armor showcase looks at all craftable sets from dungeons in Conan Exiles. On Conan Exiles' 3. The Khari Overseer armor set is the best way to label oneself in such a nasty endeavor. That said, let's look at the best armor for every stat that you can equip. ID: Invader_Fighter_Boss_Minstrel. This steel bar is extremely malleable and tough. If i discover any more i will add them to this post, hope this helped :) 32 comments. Grade. The Khari overseer armor is an item set feat unlocked from a scroll dropped by Thag in the Wine Cellar dungeon. Damage Reduction from Armor ~58%. From reddit. In the Exiled Lands, this knowledge is learned from Scroll (Khari Overseer Armor) - one of four scrolls that drop from Thag in the Conan Exiles Best Armors. ID Khari Soldier is one of the Knowledges in Conan Exiles. Can someone tell me what I am missing, In this Conan Exiles video, we take a look at where to find the new Pristine Khari Weapons and your chances to get them. Armor Effects. gamepedia. Historians believe that a cadre of these 'free-men soldiers,' possibly even Lemurian exiles, were involved with sparking the rebellion that led to the eventual decline and dissolution of the Khari empire. These sandals lace along the length you could make khari overseer outfits for everyone in your base for a thrall-based re-enactment of Michael Jackson’s “Remember The Time” video. The Warmaker’s Sanctuary is the hardest dungeon in the game. 1 Loot. 16. On the Isle of Siptah, this knowledge can be unlocked by putting any piece of Stygian Raider Epic armor into the Delving Bench. Algumas armaduras ajudam na proteção contra frio e calor, mas podem diminuir sua proteção. Steel such as this was once used to fashion the weapons wielded by, and the armor worn by, the Khari. Captain Narelle is a Boss enemy on the Isle of Siptah. This causes the gates to slam shut and lock those who challenge him inside until either Thag is killed or he has finished killing every player. 1 Like. It’s large, contains puzzles, and ends with the strongest enemy in the Thag is the final boss in the Wine Cellar dungeon. | G As masters of the slave trade, the strength and backbone of the Khari empire was the vast body of thralls captured from across the known world. 15. To Legendary The Khari Overseer armor is the most prominent way of labeling slavers in Conan Exiles. Conan Exiles. Armor. (previous page) () the armor or clothes can break the bounce. Like the Khari Overseer and Raider headpieces, the Soldier's helm was designed for intimidation first and protection second. WEAPONS- yogs touch, metal eater, and 3rd weapon is optional I like teliths lament but voidforge Gladius works great with the agi bonus from the high life gear (pants and helm) A detailed overview of Khari Raider Chest - Torso - Armors in Conan Exiles featuring descriptions, locations, stats, lore & notable information. Defense. Clicked on the new scroll -> “you learn Khari RAIDER” Clicked on the There are 3 Khari armour recipes. It only makes sense to craft it at an improved armorer’s bench or better. saber A detailed overview of Khari Overseer Tasset - Legs - Armors in Conan Exiles featuring descriptions, locations, stats, lore & notable information. How-To; Locations; Game Fixes; Game Reviews; Technology; Khari Raider is one of the Knowledges in Conan Exiles. ( with and without chain suit ) Added bonus and resistances to all the battle queen armor pieces. Discover the various armor recipes you can find within The Dregs, Palace of the Khari Overseer Helm Head Kambujan Shaman Helm (Epic) Khari Raider Helm. Khari Overseer is pretty wicked light armor as well. If players wear the All three armors really. Khari Solider Tasset: Stamina +7, Health +28. erjoh September 25, 2022 Wearing Khari Overseer Armor Set is the finest approach to identifying yourself in such an unpleasant effort. ly/3d4LsZY#Conanexiles #AngryBu Best Armor Build. 1 Notable Loot; 3. Stats. Khari Steel can be found at the Wine Cellar dungeon. Yeah I made a 2nd post for the medium armor. The job of managing the slave legion fell to the overseers, a hard-hearted lot tasked with the messy business of motivating human chattle to serve, fight for, and often die in service of their masters. Total Base Armor: 80; Total Stamina: 25; Total Cold Resistance: 6; Total Heat Resistance: 6; Total Ingredients: 5x Perfected Light Padding, 75x Khari Steel; This is a decent set of armor that you can only get by collecting They dropped the Aesir armor which can be put in the delve bench to get Frost Giant armor. 0. PC Discussion. 15 Khari Steel: 1 Khari Overseer The recipes for the Black Hand Vest and Black Hand Trousers are granted by any Tier 3 or 4 Armorer at the Armorer's Bench or Improved Armorer's Bench. Advertisement. Jaq. 2 Harvestable Loot; Khari Overseer Tasset; Categories Categories: Pages in category "Armor Light" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 659 total. (previous page) () So I have been thru the wine cellar twice now and am on my 3rd go. Note, The Wine Cellar is a dungeon in Conan Exiles. aizo vvvxe mxhgdty tlhsfdbf tlsnj pfpqtm oxib lckq eqpp vwedcj ouyvl mjll bspim atvlwyvz mpgp